When a boy meets a girl, he does all that can to do one thing: win her heart. Everything he does he hopes she sees and impresses her. He will go to great lengths to get this girl to notice him. He devotes hours of his days to find out everything about her. He learns her likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, favorite colors, favorite movies. This is a quest, and he intends to win his prize.
As a teenager, I've noticed some things. A lot of people my age seem so distant from their parents They can't stand each other. They spend little to no time together. I think some of this is because we teenagers feel like we are not understood. I believe that this is true.
So what does that have to do with my first paragraph? Well, I believe that parents should be like the boy who fell in love with the girl. Parents, you need to realize your children are growing up. They are discovering who they are. You need to go on the quest to win your child's heart. Spend time with them, getting to know them as a separate person. Pretend they're not just your child, but a human being that has hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Learn what kind of person they are and want to be and encourage them to be all they can be.
Now I'm not saying that you need to be their BFF. You still need to be the parent and discipline them. But you need to show them that you love them. Give them guidance. Be their coach while being their biggest fan. Teenagers are normal people who are testing the boundaries and trying to figure out their purpose in life. As the parent, your job is to train your child for adulthood. Give them the chance to show who they truly are. Too many parents try to live out their dreams through their children. Don't do that. You'll only confuse your child and ruin your relationship with them. Give your child the opportunities he/she needs to grow as an adult, encouraging them to do the best they can in the areas that God has called them to thrive in.
When your child sees you showing an interest in them and in their interests, they will most likely reciprocate your actions. In the quest to win your child's heart, you'll see that they want to win yours as well.
Beautiful! *sniff sniff*